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Goddess Portal

The intention for the Goddess Portal and this section of my website is to promote and share the resources, products and work of many friends, healers, practitioners and goddesses who I consider to be contributing the healing and empowerment of the divine feminine on our planet.


You will find many people and resources to support your pregnancy and birth, as well as products and tools that I have found to assist me to lead a joyful , conscious and heart-centred way of life.

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Womb Health 

& Wisdom

The Rite

of The Womb

Divine Feminine 




Womb Health & Wisdom

Historically and in present-day indigenous traditions, women have known that the womb embodies the greatest power a woman possesses: the power to create on all levels and through all aspects of our being. 


Gifted to women as the cocoon and container in which we conceive, nourish and birth our children, this power can be tapped into for birth of projects, careers, personal healing, spirituality, and relationships.


Drawing on sacred traditions from ancient India, Tibet, Egypt, Gnostic Christianity, and Judaism, the practices of nourishing and clearing our wombs empowers women to become aware of the intuitive voice of the womb, outside of pregnancy and the moon cycle. It allows them to draw upon this source for birthing the new wave of conscious children, enhancing spiritual growth, and assisting in the transformation of consciousness.


Two powerful practices to support womb health and wisdom I recommend are Yoni Steaming and receiving “The Rite of the Womb”.

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Yoni is the Sanskrit word for vagina and translates as “sacred space” or “source of all life”. Yoni steaming is where a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to permeate the exterior of her vagina, providing an opportunity to reconnect and utilise plant medicines to heal and support a woman’s cycle.


It is an ancient practice that is respected by healers and practiced by many indigenous groups around the globe.


Yoni steaming works by supporting your body through its natural processes by applying gentle heat and moisture that carries medicinal plant oils to the exterior tissues of the vagina (the tissue referred to as the vulva).


This increases circulation to the vuvla, causing it to swell and expose the inner labial mucus membranes, allowing the bloodstream to pick up the medicinal oils and carry them into the inner reproductive system, including the uterus.


Once there, they help the uterus cleanse and release build up on its lining, ensuring the next cycle is easy and pain-free, helping an egg to implant, and reducing other uterine abnormalities. The result is a healthier, more pleasant cycle and a more connected woman.


Yoni steams have been found by women throughout history to:


•   Reduce pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation.

•   Decrease menstrual flow and reduce dark purple/brown blood at onset or end of menses.

•   Regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles.

•   Increase fertility

•   Speed healing and tone the reproductive system after birth.

•   Reduce uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis.

•   Assist with the repair of a vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar.

•   Assist with the healing of haemorrhoids.

•   Relieve chronic vaginal/yeast infections and maintain healthy odour.

•   Ease symptoms of menopause including dryness or pain during intercourse.

•   Detoxify the womb and remove toxins from the body.

•   Release stored emotions and tap into the energy that is our creative potential.

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Womb Health & Wisdom
Yoni Steaming
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Divine Feminine Resources

Connecting to mother earth.
  • Evidence based pregnancy and birthing information
  • Birth trauma and healing support:
  • Conscious Conception and Birth Support:
  • Antenatal and postpartum herbal care
  • Birthy Podcasts:
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Divine Feminine Resources

The Rite of The Womb

Traditional Native American ritual.

The 13th Rite of the Munay- Ki is a healing transmission developed by medicine women in the jungles of South America and has now been passed along to us from an unbroken lineage of Q’ero Shamans from Peru.


This is a beautiful ceremony where women gather and men hold sacred space through the use of drumming and music whilst the women receive our Rites.


During our ceremony, you will receive the Rites and in return gift the Rites to another woman. This profound shamanic ceremony is a celebration of feminine beauty and sisterhood.


The Rite of the Womb is known as the thirteenth rite as it is a significant number aligned with the divine feminine. The Rite is an energetic transmission of divine healing, bringing the energy and the spirit of Pachamama (Mother Earth) to support this ceremony that is so needed.


The beauty in this Rite is in the personal healing of the physical and spiritual/psychic centre of the womb space. In this ceremony, this healing can be not only experienced for individual women, but for the greater collective wounding and oppression that women have felt for many generations around the world.


Once you have been given the Rite of the Womb, it is then up to you to pass this Rite on to as many more women who would like to receive it so that this Rite may continue on and reach the four corners of the world assisting the entire planet.


For a brief look at the ceremony please visit:

Please note: For any woman who have had operations on the womb than this Rite is wonderful for you to receive.


Any men who have had issues or trauma related to a Mother figure or women may also benefit and receive the Rite of the Womb.


I offer The Rite of the Womb healing ceremonies to groups of women upon request.

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The Rite of The Womb

Mother Blessings

Mother Blessings are beautiful circles held as an alternative to or an expansion of the traditional baby shower, focusing on surrounding, celebrating and honouring the mother.


Mother Blessing ceremonies have their origins in the “Blessingway”, a sacred ritual of the Dine (Navajo) people. The intention is to bring people together in community to offer their love and support for the woman  undertaking a major life transition to become a mother.


These ceremonies are usually held in the last trimester of pregnancy and each Mother Blessing can be uniquely designed in alignment with the wishes and energy of the mother-to-be! Mother Blessings can be held at the mother-to-be's home, a family’s or friend's home, or in a public place like a park (that’s not too busy).


The mother blessings I facilitate are a co-creation between the mother and her sisters. They are usually from two-three hours long and involve the cleansing opening and closing of the circle, mother blessing rituals, space for all women to share and bestow their wisdom to the mother to be, plenty of yummy and healthy foods and always an abundance of joy, tears and laughter.

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Mother Blessings


0424 095 461

28 Branga Ave. Copacabana,

Central Coast, NSW 2251

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Acknowledgement of Country

I wish to humbly acknowledge the Darkinyung and Guringai people, the traditional custodians of the land on which I teach. I honour the elders, knowledge holders and wisdom keepers past, present and future and recognise the eternal role they play in supporting the land and its people.

© 2022 by Harmonic Hypnobirthing.

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