After birthing my first baby unexpectedly at 36 weeks I was not certain but overjoyed to have reached the 40 week mark in my second pregnancy. At three days past my supposed “due date”, I went to bed quite late listening to my Hypnobirthing music, to awake suddenly at around 4.30am to some tightenings. I tried to stay asleep but couldn’t, so I got up and enjoyed a surreal and powerful 30 mins with just me and my baby and the earliest morning birds resident to Mona Vale beach , knowing that this was going to be our longed for birthing day!
My surges were coming steadily and rhythmically so I woke my husband, arranged for my father in law to come and be with my toddler and prepared to drive to hospital. I was so calm and relaxed yet super excited to meet our little one!
I started using the self-hypnosis skills and breathing techniques I had practiced in both pregnancies, the result was that after growling at my hubby for driving too fast over the speed bumps on the way to Manly, I walked into hospital at around 6am and was pleased to learn I was 10 cm dilated… the power of Hypnobirthing!
After setting up sacred space with my Australian bush flower blends, oils, candles,visualisations,my favourite birthing crystals. I enjoyed a trance-like state of bliss in the birthing pool. My husband held space for me to fully surrender to my powerful surges , he gave me light touch massage and whispered encouraging prompts into my ear. When the timing felt right, I wanted the assistance of gravity so I got out of the pool and birthed my second little boy dynamically and joyfully at 8.30am. We were wonderfully supported and enjoyed a physiological 3rd stage which means, no synthetic oxytocin injection, an unclamped cord for 15minutes and an uninterrupted magical bonding period with our new bub that we will never forget.
My birth experience was so satisfying and transformative, it prompted me to train as a childbirth educator and I now run a successful Hypnobirthing business, on the Northern beaches and Central Coast of NSW, assisting other mums to believe in their bodies and enjoy, yes enjoy their births as much as I did!
My precious little hypnobub Anakin.